Monday, November 1, 2010

Write a Blog about How to Write a Blog

In May I began to follow various blogs about social media and current digital advertising trends for my internship at Creative Alliance advertising agency. I have read a lot of posts since then from very distinguished bloggers and I began to notice a trend. All of these known bloggers at one point or another have wrote a blog about how to write a blog. They provide helpful insight, suggestions and resources for people to utilize to help aid their efforts in writing a personal blog.

Why do they do this? I have concluded that after you have established yourself as a premier blogger, the next thing to push yourself “over the top” and onto the next level is to write a blog offering help to others. This develops credibility by showing your experience and superior knowledge compared to your peers.

This is not a set rule, this is just an observation but I believe this is important because it can determine bloggers you should use as an example when writing your blog.  Especially in the beginning, I was struggling to write my blogs, I referred to some helpful how to’s written by fellow bloggers to spark some inspiration and learn new blog resources to utilize.

Chris Brogan is a great blogger that I enjoy following and I believe he has developed a very credible blog that many advertising and marketing professionals read.

This is Chris Brogan’s helpful hints on how to write a blog:

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